Ellen Nguyen

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[Social Media Growth - September 2023] Journey to 10K+ followers on Instagram

Excited to share the latest updates on my social media project for September!

Embarking on this journey since June 2023, I was ready to embrace failure and learning publicly by sharing my real-time experiences and growth trajectory in the social media space. The journey has been quite enlightening with its share of highs and lows.

September’s Highlights:

  • Achieved a second viral video on Instagram with approximately 1M views and several others surpassing 100K views! 🎥

  • Celebrated my first 50K view video on YouTube! 🥳

  • TikTok views are steadily climbing, ranging between 700+ to 1 or 2K views per video, although follower count is still budding. 🌱

Follower Growth

  • Instagram: 10.3K followers (a 72% increase from 6K) 📊

  • TikTok: 562 followers (an 11% increase from 505) 🎵

  • YouTube: 707 followers (a 17% increase from 606) 🎬

Insights and Conclusions

  1. Virality & Retention: All my viral creations maintained high retention rates, with over 75% of viewers staying till the end.

  2. Consistency + Virality = Growth: Regularity coupled with impactful content has been the growth mantra! 🌿

  3. Platform-Specific Strategies: A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t resonate with my content and audience. Crafting tailored strategies for each platform going forward!

  4. Monetization Journey: While brand partnerships are on hold, the growth on Instagram has significantly driven traffic to my website, boosting ad revenues and page RPM to its peak! Looking forward to promoting digital products soon!

  5. Gratitude: The journey has been immensely rewarding, and I’m thankful for the connections and conversations it has sparked!

Final Thoughts

It’s been a rollercoaster of learning, growth, and connections. I'm so grateful I started it and I feel incredibly proud that my consistency, hard work, and diverse skill set have paid off.

Onwards and upwards!