Hi, I’m Ellen!

I’m passionate about creating compelling multichannel content that not only resonates with audiences but also achieves strategic business objectives.

I’ve produced video content for companies like J.P. Morgan, written articles for the BBC, Business Insider, and many others, and grown my community to over 20K on Instagram in a few months with several viral videos.

As a content creator, I share stories and insights about relationships, personal growth, and my immigrant journey to help people thrive and build a life they love.

If you're looking to elevate your content, craft your narrative, and engage your audience strategically and effectively, let's connect!

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See how I can help you!

I help clients with content strategy and execution to meet strategic business objectives. My clients include J.P. Morgan and an award-winning food and travel YouTube show with over 10M+ followers and 2BN+ views.

Freelance producer

I create content about relationships, personal growth, healing, and my immigrant journey from Vietnam to the UK. Sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date!

Content creator

I have bylines in many international media websites such as BBC Worklife and Business Insider. I mainly cover lifestyle, business, and work culture. Email me ellen@ellennguyen.com.

Freelance journalist and content writer

Loveful Mind founder

I founded and run Loveful Mind, an online publication dedicated to helping intuitive women unleash their power, cultivate secure and loving relationships, and build a joyful life they’re present for.

Digital products I’ve created and sold (Personal)

Love Yourself Enough to Let Them Go E-book (2019)

Anxiously Attached Audio Course (2021)

4-Week Dating Course: From Life-changing Mindsets to Practical Strategies (2022)

Work with me

London, UK